

The Gentle Baby

Sleep Plan

This is your solution when you don't want to bed share, but you don't want to sleep train by crying it out either. It's your essential guide to solving your child's sleep issues and helping them get better sleep. Specifically tailored for babies from 0-18 months.


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Does any of this sound familiar?

Does bedtime fill you with anxiety about the night ahead?

It can take several hours to settle your baby to sleep at bedtime. You may need to feed, rock, pat, and shush on repeat before making the delicate transfer to the cot once they are in a deep sleep (only for them to wake up 32 minutes later anyway).

Is your baby's cot mostly used as expensive storage?

Forget about the two-hour-long lunchtime naps in the cot you've heard most babies are getting. Your baby won't close their eyes during the day unless they are in your arms. Even if you do manage to transfer them to the cot successfully, they wake up within half an hour.

You'd give your left kidney for a 5-hour block of sleep

You're not looking for exaggerated claims about your baby sleeping for 12 hours straight through the night; all you really want is a stretch of sleep longer than a couple of hours, or to finally have your own bed back.



And if one more person tells you to 'just' sleep train your baby with a variation of crying-it-out...

You'll probably scream


On the hardest nights, you've considered it or even attempted it, but you know it isn't right for your baby.

As for bed-sharing? Your baby often ends up in your bed on the nights when you lose count of the wakes, but it's not something you want long-term.


The Gentle Baby

Sleep Plan

Infant Sleep Foundations

Begin by building the right foundations to promote better sleep by ensuring the environment is set up for success. You'll learn the easy tweaks you can make to your day to make longer blocks of sleep more likely.


at Bedtime

Teach your baby exactly how to fall asleep independently at the start of the night with three responsive sleeping training methods to choose from.

I even tell you how to work out which method is the right fit for your baby.

Conquer Naps

Once bedtime is nailed, I'll then support you to master naps. You'll have a strategy to transition from contact naps to napping in a cot (if that's what you want) and you'll learn tips and tricks to extend those short and frustrating catnaps.

Tackle Night Wakes

Here I give you the tools to help you to get to the root of your baby's night wakes and you will have clear strategies to manage and reduce those night wakes.


Your baby will have setbacks when they are going through developmental milestones, teething or illness, but you will be armed with the tools and knowledge to be able to tackle any blips in the road with confidence.

Ongoing Support

Join a supportive community of almost 1,000 parents just like you to get support and solidarity when you need it most. I'll be on hand to answer your questions every Thursday.

I know you're exhausted so each section contains bite-sized lessons with videos, audio and downloadable material to help you absorb the info in a way that's easiest for you.


All methods in this course allow you to be responsive to your baby - no method in this course will require you to leave your baby alone to cry.


All methods are adaptable to your own baby's needs - when they need more support and reassurance, you can give them more support and reassurance.


Whether you are bedsharing or you want your baby to sleep in a cot in their own nursery, there's no judgement here.

0-3 Month

Survival Bundle

Set your newborn up for sleep success with gentle sleep-shaping strategies to get your baby into a routine. These guides will set foundations for healthy sleep that will last well beyond the first 3 months.

Hi, I'm Janine,

nice to meet you!

I'm Janine an OCN Level 5 Certified Sleep Practitioner, owner of The Bedtime Champ Baby Sleep Consultancy, and Mum of my own two boys. The Bedtime Champ is a small business, so when you purchase the course you get support directly from me.

But who am I? I've worked with parents and children for over a decade. During my early 20s, I worked as a live-in nanny in Italy, Spain and the UK caring for children aged between 1 to 10. Prior to setting up The Bedtime Champ, I spent 12 years working for the UK's biggest online community for parents: Mumsnet.

It was during my time at Mumsnet, that I saw the power and value in online communities where our 'village' was otherwise unavailable. But I also saw the confusion and overwhelm caused by mixed and conflicting information online. The polarising debates were anxiety-inducing.

When it comes to sleep there seems to be the same age-old debate: you either sleep train with CIO methods, or you bedshare. There seems to be no in-between.

This course will walk you through responsive sleep training methods step-by-step, giving you methods and strategies that are evidence-based, responsive and gentle.

Who is this baby sleep course for?

The course is for you if your baby is between 0-18 months of age.

It's not for you if you know or believe your child has a medical issue which would impact their sleep. If you're not sure, you can always reach out to me to check.

The course is for you if your baby will only have short naps in a cot (unless it's a contact nap).

It's not for you if you're expecting an overnight fix.

The course is for you if your baby is waking multiple times a night needing to be rocked or fed back to sleep.

It's not for you if you are looking for a completely zero-tears solution. There may be some tears when you make changes to sleep associations.

The course is for you if you've been bed-sharing with your baby to get more sleep and either you want to move away from that, or you want to continue in a more sustainable way.


Private Facebook™

Group Access

Everyone who purchases this course will get access to a closed Facebook group to access support while you're working through the course. I run a weekly Q&A session in this community every Thursday to answer your burning questions.

With over 1,400 active members in the group, you're always able to get support and advice from other parents going through the same thing as you.


(and much more...)

You may be sceptical as to why this course has so much information at such a low cost. I'd like everyone to have the tools at their fingertips to make respectful decisions about their child's sleep. The cost of the course includes:

  • 0-3 Month Sleep Survival Handbook
  • Caring for Your Newborn Guide
  • The Baby Sleep Foundations Guide
  • Gentle Sleep Training Handbook
  • Nap Essentials Guide
  • Contact Nap to Cot Nap Transition
  • Managing Night Wakes
  • Gentle Night Weaning Strategies
  • Ditching the Dummy
  • Early Rising Guide
  • Private Facebook group with over 1,400 members for ongoing support
  • Troubleshooting sessions every Thursday in the Facebook Group
  • Webinar: Troubleshooting Night Wakes
  • Webinar: Mastering Naps


Nap Routines

No baby is the same, so understanding that they won't all follow the same routine is key. The routines will give your day structure and can be used alongside the nap guidance so you can build a routine that fits your baby.

What other parents are saying...

Frequently Asked Questions

What age is this course appropriate for?

The course is specifically for babies aged between 0-18 months of age.

I've been cosleeping with my baby, will this course work for me?

Yes! All sleep training methods in the course can help you transition from bed sharing with your baby either by trying to transition straight to a cot, or you can take a slower approach and begin using the methods while still bedsharing.

I've tried putting my baby in their cot 'awake but drowsy' but as soon as I lower them to the cot they scream. Will the course work for me?

This is the scenario most course members are or have been in. If your baby is used to being fed or rocked to sleep in your arms then it usually follows they will cry if you try to place them into the cot if they aren’t fully asleep. The methods on the course allow you to support your baby to fall asleep in their cot from wide awake or allow you to make small changes to the way you settle them to sleep over time so they can eventually fall asleep in their own cot.

I'm still sleeping in the same room as my baby can I still use the methods in the course?

Absolutely. Many people who have purchased the course do so while room sharing.

Do the sleep training methods on this course require me to leave my baby alone to cry?

No! This course does not use the following methods: extinction, cry-it-out, controlled-crying or the Ferber Method. The methods in this course are in-room methods. There are now three options available all of which allow you provide varying levels of support and comfort to your baby. The course will help you to determine which option is right for you and your baby. The methods are not 'no-cry' though, as some babies can and will cry if you try to make changes to the way you settle and resettle them to sleep, but all methods involve you being present and offering support which is then scaled back over time.

I want to carry on cosleeping with my baby, but I just want to stop feeding or rocking my baby to sleep when they wake in the night, will the course work for me?

Yes, the methods are compatible with bedsharing and involve changing the way you settle your baby to sleep at the start of the night so it becomes more sustainable.

I love contact naps, do I have to stop contact naps if I use this course?

You do not have to stop contact naps. All naps are helpful in whatever form. To help your Little One sleep better at night, it can help to make sure they get nice stretches of sleep in the day - however that happens.

I’ve tried in-room sleep training methods like The Chair Method where you sit next to the cot and let your baby cry without offering comfort, but this was too upsetting for me. Does this course use a method like this?

No. The methods in the course involve you offering LOTS of comfort to your baby - both physical and verbal, and when they are used to the changes you’ve made, you then reduce that support every few nights. The course also help you to choose which method is going to work best for you.

My baby wakes lots in the night to feed, how will I know if they need the feed or of they are waking out of habit?

The course follows a very logical structure where you first make sure you have all the foundations of good sleep in place first, then you focus on getting your baby to fall asleep in their own cot without feeding to sleep - during the night you can then feed back to sleep for every wake if you want to. But usually these two steps alone reduces night wakes to a more manageable level, and then it is about working on extending the first stretch of sleep and so on. The course is very baby led in its approach and you will not be required to remove or reduce night feeds straight away.

Will I get one-to-one support included as part of the purchase of this course?

This course includes ongoing access to a private Facebook group that sits alongside the course. If you choose to purchase this course as a standalone purchase for £22 then you will not get one-to-one support from me, but you can purchase a one-off consultation alongside the course at a reduced price of just £75.

How long will I have access to the course content for?

You will have access to the course content forever. The cost is a one-off price and there are no monthly fees to retain access to the course content.

What if I have an issue with the course?

Please get in touch with me. My email address is janine@bedtimechamp.co.uk


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